Episode 1: How Attachment Trauma Impacts our Relationships
Make sure to listen to the end for “Get Down and Dirty with Dr. Cindy,” a delicious segment where I offer advice and practical guidance to callers willing to share their messy stories and complicated relationship questions.
Call for Submissions: Would you like to share your story, and let other survivors know they aren’t alone? Submit here.
How does your childhood experience of belonging in the world play out in your adult relationships?
This first episode offers preliminary practices for developing a caring and kind relationship with yourself as the foundation for healing attachment wounds. Using simple grounding and resourcing exercises, you’ll be invited to welcome yourself to belong where you already are, and to engage your senses to help regulate your nervous system.
Cynthia also shares some trauma-sensitive mindfulness strategies that support working with intrusive thoughts, reclaiming your mental real estate, and retraining your attention to stay with your own present moment experience.